
ExploreCHQ is a free app available in the Apple App Store and on Google Play to download. The downloaded app has faster loading times and more features than the web app, but it is not necessary to download the app to enjoy it - you can also enjoy it on your home computer or phone as a web app without downloading it.
In the App, you can find information on Chautauqua's Birds, Trees, Gardens, the Lake, and memorial and dedicated locations. Read more about the sections below!

Created by Chautauqua birders for Chautauqua birders, the ExploreCHQ app is a tool for birders of all levels, designed to help people get to know the birds in our shared space. Because there is a rich diversity of habitat within the gates - urban, lakeshore, and woodlands, there is a diversity of birds. Thumbnail galleries are provided for each of the three habitat types. The highlighted species are further divided into seasonality and likelihood of occurrence to help birders quickly identify what birds they are (and sometimes are not) seeing.

The BTG is working with Chautauqua Institution’s Garden Crew to install one thousand tree markers on the grounds identifying each tree by its common and scientific name. Hundreds are already in place. The markers have a scannable QR code that takes you to a page about the tree with information about the species and in many cases about that particular tree - when it was planted, whom it memorializes, etc. You can learn about the trees in a one-off fashion or jump into themed tours with maps to help you locate the particularly impressive examples of different species.
Chautauqua’s gardens offer a tremendous diversity of plant materials, sizes, and designs. Use the app to virtually visit or use it on your phone to enhance your in-person visit to over 25 gardens and green spaces throughout the grounds. The app provides the history of each garden as well as plant lists, photos, and more. We are adding audio for each garden as well, narrated by Betsy Burgeson, Supervisor of Gardens and Landscapes.